Sunday, March 06, 2022
After almost 20 years working a dietitian, doing thousands of private coaching sessions, listening to my clients various trials and tribulations, I noticed something interesting.
That fundamentally, we’re all the same.
Our experiences are all very different. The exact details of our lives are also very different.
But underneath our stories and perceptions, we all work in the exact same way.
We all have a mind that chatters away all day long directing what we do, how we do it and deciding how we experience the world.
Our mind is telling us what to think, feel and do.
Most of the time we aren't aware that this is what's happening, as it's going on below our conscious awareness.
Let's see how this plays out in the realm of food and weight.
When wanting to lose weight, you find a regime and get started. At first, you're so excited by the prospect of getting slimmer and feeling more comfortable in your clothes.
You're doing well. Seeing results, then something happens.
Something happens and you STOP!
You go to a wedding and overeat. You decide you've blown it and give up.
You're at work. Someone brings in donuts and hands you one. You eat it. Then help yourself to another and think, oh well I've blown it now. And give up.
You're eating well and moving more daily. Four weeks go by, then you get on the scales and the number hasn't moved. Not even 100 grams. You get frustrated and give up.
You think what stops you is what you did, or what happened. But that's not what stops you.
What stops you is what you THINK about what you did, or what happened.
What you make it mean.
You tell yourself all sorts of explanations and reasons why what you're doing isn't going to work or its all too hard or it's not fair and after all, you've done it all before, it was hard work and it never lasted anyway, so you may as well quit now.
And you do.
Despite how well-intentioned or motivated you were at the start, you talk yourself out of continuing. You tell yourself to quit. That is WHY you give up.
This is normal human behaviour.
Our minds offer up all sorts of doubt and negative self-talk. Thing is, we buy into it.
We believe it. Well it is coming from OUR mind after all, so it must be true, right? (err, no!)
So we quit.
And when we quit, all the discomfort goes away and we get immediate relief.
But then a short while after, we start to realise that nothing has changed and actually, that's not so comfortable either.
This is why working with a coach is so valuable. A coach can help you through those times when you want to quit. When it feels uncomfortable. When it all gets too hard and you want to give up.
It's the stops and starts on the way to getting the body you want that makes the journey so long.
And tiresome. And hard.
Every human needs a coach, including you. If I’m not the coach for you, that’s ok. Please find a coach that fits your personal style and invest in coaching. Invest in you.
We all can achieve whatever it is we desire.
And with a coach by your side, who knows what YOU are capable of.
You may even surprise yourself. And wouldn't that be awesome!
Dietitian & Eating Psychology Coach
Don't waste your time, destroy your energy levels or mess with your health by going on diets, restricting carbs or counting calories.
Life it to be enjoyed.
I believe you can live life AND manage your weight.
I share my thoughts on how you can do that on this blog...
Make being healthy, easy.
You've just read about the importance of eating well and the easiest way to eat well is to plan for it.
If you don't currently plan your meals or if you're bored with your current intake, this course is sure to inspire you. Click below to find out more...
The information on this website does not replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.