Sunday, September 22, 2024
When you set out to lose weight, you tend to focus on WHAT to do. WHAT to eat.
You throw all your time and energy into trying to make it happen and let’s be honest—it feels like hard work! It’s like trying to push a boulder uphill with chopsticks. You may be able to get started, but you'll soon get exhausted and give up.
The thing is, what you eat is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s the visible part that everyone sees—the meals you choose, the snacks you grab. But underneath? That’s where all the real stuff is happening.
It’s your thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are truly driving your eating habits and those often have nothing to do with hunger or nutrition.
What you eat is just a tiny piece of the puzzle. What really matters is all the stuff below the surface—in particular your thoughts that guide your choices. What's below the surface will determine whether you achieve the results you want and if those results will be permanent.
If your thoughts and beliefs aren't aligned with what you want, you'll always struggle. It's like swimming upstream against a very strong current - exhausting and unsustainable..
Your thoughts guide your actions. The stories you tell yourself—like "I deserve this," or "I’ve already blown it, so who cares?" —shape your choices in the moment. And those stories often don’t support the results you’re after.
Dig a little deeper and you hit your beliefs: do you truly believe you can lose weight and keep it off, or is there a part of you that doubts it? These beliefs directly influence what you tell yourself—and in turn, what you do.
When you only focus on the tip of the iceberg—what you’re eating—you end up constantly having to monitor yourself. If your eating habits aren’t supported by helpful thoughts and empowering beliefs, it’s like balancing everything on an upside-down pyramid. One small wobble and the whole thing can come crashing down.
The key is to get curious about what’s happening below the surface. What do you say to yourself? And what do you truly believe? Do you know?
When you align your thoughts and beliefs with your goals, you’ll create a strong foundation that can weather anything. That's how you last long enough to see results. Results that last!
Photo credit: Photo by Valentina Conde - from Unsplash
Dietitian & Eating Psychology Coach
Don't waste your time, destroy your energy levels or mess with your health by going on diets, restricting carbs or counting calories.
Life it to be enjoyed.
I believe you can live life AND manage your weight.
I share my thoughts on how you can do that on this blog...
Make being healthy, easy.
You've just read about the importance of eating well and the easiest way to eat well is to plan for it.
If you don't currently plan your meals or if you're bored with your current intake, this course is sure to inspire you. Click below to find out more...