Monday, February 13, 2023
"You can't..."
"You'll never..."
"Who do you think you are?"
Sound familiar?
This is why despite knowing what to do, we struggle to actually do it.
It's these VOICES that get in our way.
We have inner “mean girls” who work to sabotage our efforts.
They push us off track with our eating and intentions to stay active.
From the Negotiator's tempting justifications...
To the Pessimist's bleak outlook and....
The Perfectionist's harsh critiques.
These inner voices can be intense and overwhelming.
So often we get in a back and forth argument with these voices.
But let's face it, it's YOU against YOU. So it's a waste of time and energy since YOU can never win!
Here's a better idea...
Take a breath, then try one of these three approaches:
1. Consider your inner mean girl to be a radio station you chose accidently and decide to either change the channel or turn the volume RIGHT DOWN!
2. Change the voice of your inner mean girl to sound like Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig or Donald Duck.
3. Close your eyes and get a picture in your mind of your inner mean girl. Then using your fingers like you do on your phone or an ipad, shrink that picture right down to make it as small as can be.
In NLP this is called reframing. I love it because it shows that the thoughts in your head aren't fixed. They're subjective and flexible. Reframing helps you see things from a different angle. Most importantly, you can use it to take that mighty sting out of the inner mean girl's rants.
Try it and see for yourself. Pick one of the three approaches above and be ready to use it when you hear those doubting, critical voices in your head.
I've used all three approaches in different circumstances very effectively, so I know this stuff works.
What these approaches show is that you are always ultimately in charge. The inner mean girl can very quickly make you feel small and forget how powerful you are. She knows how to press your buttons! But you can change her. Her volume, her voice and her size. You are in charge, not her!
When you reframe your inner mean girl it will change your emotional state, which in turn affects what you do - your behaviour - and your results.
With time you'll stop getting in your own way and start doing what you know.
I'd love to know how you go :)
Dietitian & Eating Psychology Coach
Don't waste your time, destroy your energy levels or mess with your health by going on diets, restricting carbs or counting calories.
Life it to be enjoyed.
I believe you can live life AND manage your weight.
I share my thoughts on how you can do that on this blog...
Make being healthy, easy.
You've just read about the importance of eating well and the easiest way to eat well is to plan for it.
If you don't currently plan your meals or if you're bored with your current intake, this course is sure to inspire you. Click below to find out more...
The information on this website does not replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.