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Change your brain to change your weight

Blog/weight loss/Change your brain to change your weight

Change your brain to change your weight

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

It’s so easy for some people to say no and stay slim.

You know who I’m talking about.

The friend who eats two bites of dessert and pushes the rest aside looking content and satisfied. Your partner who always knows when they’ve had enough to eat and often leaves a few mouthfuls on their plate.

Seeing how easy it is for them to stop can make you want to scream.

The world wants us to believe that these are the “normal eaters.”
People who were blessed with good genes, fast metabolisms and an incredible amount of willpower.
The rest of us, well, we're doomed. We need to diet and be restricted and told what to do. For life.
And even then we'll always struggle with our weight.

Well that’s all BULLSHIT.

Because it ignores the very thing that makes humans unique.

We aren’t robots. We are human beings with human brains.
And a mind that thinks for itself.

People who eat differently from you THINK differently about food.

The only reason you eat more than someone else is because you have different thoughts.
That’s the actual reason.

Different thoughts lead to different actions and different results.

If you want to eat differently, you have to teach yourself how to think differently.
Because when you think differently, you act differently.

You need to focus on changing your mind, rather than changing what's on your plate.
And that's what I help people do.

Between your ears is the most advanced, amazing brain in history. Yet, no one teaches us how it works and how to get it working for you.

It's my life’s mission to help people better understand their brain and use it to get the body and life they want. And anyone can do this. Yes, even YOU!

It's not a quick fix, but it's easier than it sounds.
​And permanent :)

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Hey! I'm Caroline

Dietitian & Eating Psychology Coach

Don't waste your time, destroy your energy levels or mess with your health by going on diets, restricting carbs or counting calories.

Life it to be enjoyed.

I believe you can live life AND manage your weight.

I share my thoughts on how you can do that on this blog...

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Become a ninja meal planner!

Make being healthy, easy.

You've just read about the importance of eating well and the easiest way to eat well is to plan for it.
If you don't currently plan your meals or if you're bored with your current intake, this course is sure to inspire you. Click below to find out more...

Are you sabotaging your weight loss efforts?

The information on this website does not replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.